04 October 2024
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Do You Need A Coaching Session? Here Are 11 Signs

For those who coach others, it can be frustrating to realize that “coaching” is something many find confusing. When they hear “coaching”, people might automatically think of therapy, mentoring, or counseling – or a combination of all three. Because coaching is such a misunderstood concept, the practice is undervalued today and many who might benefit from a coach don’t attempt to locate one.With all of that said, let’s approach this from a different direction. Rather than saying, “You Need Coaching!”, let’s look at it this way: Here are 11 signs that you’re a good candidate for reaping the benefits of life coaching, or business coaching, or both.

If any of the signs we’ve listed below applies to you, find a coach whom you’re comfortable with to unlock your best self as soon as you can. 

Do You Feel Overwhelmed or Anxious?

When people start talking about feeling “anxious” or “overwhelmed”, their mind immediately turns to psychiatrists and therapists. However, part of the cure for those feelings could be an ounce of prevention and realizing that you may need a guiding hand early on. If you have been feeling stressed lately, take a moment to sit with yourself and allow yourself to understand that there’s nothing wrong with a little help. Seek out coaching because you realize you need to dedicate enough energy and time to both your emotional and mental self-care.

Do You Forget to Plan?

Even if you make the right decision about something, one of the biggest pitfalls is jumping headfirst into it – before really examining exactly what you’re doing. Before you jump into action, think about whether or not you need to press pause. You must take time to process your thoughts. Take a breath and think. You may feel overwhelmed by having to make a series of decisions, but this is a crucial part of the process. You want to make sure that whatever you choose is the result of careful consideration. Take a moment, plan, arrange and rearrange your ideas where necessary, and then follow through. Having taken the time to plan before you make a decision can help make you more certain about your decision.

Do You Find Yourself Pivoting?

Do you feel like there’s something out there but you’re just not sure what “it” is? You just have the nagging feeling that you want more out of your life. At the same time, you can’t quite articulate what “more” means. You may feel like you’re stuck in a loop. It’s okay to explore your options. What’s the biggest obstacle you feel you’re facing that stops you from probing your endless possibilities? Coaching can help you figure that out.

You Want to Be the Best You Can Be

Wanting to grow is a natural part of being human. Every now and again, we may feel as if we have fallen into a rut, but it’s really our inner recognition that we need growth and rejuvenation. Whatever aspect of your life it is in which you want to develop – professionally, artistically, socially, spiritually, etc. – coaching can help you do so. Life coaching benefits even extend to assistance in relationships!

Is Your Career Entering a New Stage, So You’re Transitioning?

When promoting an employee to a new position, some companies make it mandatory to attend coaching sessions to assist them in the transition. Why? If a company is going to commit to promoting someone, they want to make absolutely sure that person is ready for the promotion and all that goes with it. If you’re transitioning to a new stage of your career, coaching will be instrumental to your success. 

Is Your Life Entering a New Stage?

Are you moving to a new location? Starting a new job? Pursuing a higher level of education? Selling your business? Expecting your first baby? Getting married? Retiring? Whatever it is, you’re entering  a new and exciting stage of your life. That’s going to mean some transitioning, which can be daunting. Coaching can help you enter your new path with greater confidence. Probe your desires, define your priorities, and establish and reflect on your decisions. Press the pause button if you need to.

Is There a Lifelong Dream You’d Love to Pursue?

Many people have dreams they never actively pursue. Rather than trying to achieve their dreams, they keep them hidden like buried treasure. Coaching can help you define the first steps you need to take and/or uncover hidden dreams.

Do You Feel Stuck?

Lots of people feel this way. They may even have an understanding of exactly where they feel stuck. But this is not always the case. If you feel like you’re stuck in a loop but are not sure exactly why, ask yourself this question: Do you find yourself being unable to achieve something you really want – over and over again? This could be running a marathon, graduating from school, making more money, quitting smoking, losing weight, building and maintaining healthy relationships, etc. If you find yourself unable to achieve your goals because you always feel as if there is something else you have to do, you might be stuck in a loop. Coaching can help you identify what exactly you’re shying away from, and give you the motivation to break the cycle.

Do You Feel Like Your Life/Work Balance Is Off? 

Do you feel like your time is consumed by the commitment to get ready for work, commute, go to work every day, work overtime, etc.? Do you find yourself searching for other options because you feel trapped? Not only don’t you have time to clean your house, your life is starting to feel just as cluttered! You need balance. Coaching can help you achieve it.

Could You Use Some Pointers on Time Management?

Few people actually manage their time efficiently. Does it feel like there simply aren’t enough hours in a day? At the end of the day, if you end up falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV because you don’t have enough energy to do anything fun, you might need to explore new ways to better manage your time. 

How’s Your Self-Confidence? Need a Boost?

Do you feel like you don’t fit in? Are you unsure about the value you bring to the table? You may be feeling low if you haven’t been able to follow through on your goals, or find yourself procrastinating on tasks. This may be the time to learn how to determine your priorities, boost your confidence and manage the stress in your life.

What Are the Five Steps of Coaching?

The exact steps of the coaching process can differ from person to person, but there are five basic steps:. Establishing an objective. The following questions should be asked of the person being coached to help clarify the purpose of a conversation or their objective:

  • As a result of our time together, what would you like to achieve?
  • When we are all through here, what will success look like to you?
  • At the end of our talks, what do you want to have accomplished? What does the person you would like to grow into look like?

Self-reflection leads to understanding. Based on the objective established, consider the answers to the following questions to find out what you really want from life:

  • Name three skills you are actively working on to help you develop into the person you want to be.
  • In the future, what would you do differently? Name three things.
  • Name three things you may have learnt from past projects that you think helped you develop yourself.

It’s time for feedback. This is where the coach makes suggestions and observations based on how they feel the participant did with the coaching session(s), what was learned, experienced, discussed, etc. The coach may make statements based on the following criteria:

  • Constructive feedback where impact and behavior are the focus. Example: You may have let your team down when you didn’t meet that deadline. To make sure this doesn’t happen again, what can you do?
  • The coach may comment on what they observed the participant saying with body language, which reveals things about ourselves that we may not even be conscious of. Example: When you talk about ___, your whole face lights up. What is it about it that excites you? What is it that you enjoy?
  • To highlight impact, the coach may offer positive comments and feedback. Example: You helped everyone become committed to and understand the call to action with the way you delivered that presentation.

It’s time for goal identification. To accomplish a purpose, action needs to be taken based on the reflection and feedback, so a goal can be set. During this step, the following questions may be asked of the participant:

  • How do the actions you have planned to take align with the goals you have set for yourself?
  • Name three specific actions you can take to help you on the path to your best self.
  • When will the actions you’re planning be accomplished?

Support follow-up is last. As goals are reached, encouragement is provided, and accountability insured. During this step, the coach may ask the following questions:

  • When will we follow up again to check on your progress?
  • When you think about accomplishing your goals, what is it that might prevent you? What are some obstacles?
  • Who do you have in your life whom you can celebrate achieving your goals with?

How Many Coaching Sessions Will You Need?

The coaching process is a little bit different for each individual. Some people say that you should meet with your coach roughly twice a month for an average of 3 to 6 months. Others say that you will get a taste of your potential results if you attend three sessions. For those making a major career change, it is not unusual to shoot for nine to 12 coaching sessions.

According to the pace at which an individual can proceed  considerable variations apply to the question of how long coaching should go on and/or how many sessions will be needed to achieve the preferred results. We all move at a different speed, and the ideal coaching program helps us realize what works best for our individual needs and desires.

How Long Do Coaching Sessions Go?

The length of coaching sessions depends on the coach, and the participant. Half of the coaching sessions that take place today average between half an hour to 40 minutes. 60-to-70-minute coaching sessions are also typical. The actual time you spend on a coaching session, or what your coach recommends, is something that can and should be discussed between the two of you before entering into a coach/participant relationship.

So, How Did You Do? Maybe You’d Like a Bit of Advice?

Could you benefit from a business or life coaching session? Do you need to find a way to leave your mark in this world? Do you find yourself thinking at times, “I just need a way to shut down my brain for a while?” My videos can help.

Attend your next SAHY Motivation coaching session from the comfort of your living room couch with one of my YouTube videos, or book your free awakening call to get started today.

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